Monday, August 15, 2011


I'll let my photos speak for me - and Wellingtonians will understand how special this is as I think it's been something like 50 years since Wellington has had a decent smattering of snow!

The view from my living room window at about 9am

At about 11:30am

And now we're in the middle of a full scale storm - lightning, thunder, hail, gale force winds, power outages in some parts of Wellington. And it was sunny this morning!!

Today was also the day I started my new job - that is a new role in the private hospital I work at. I am now working as an administration assistant in the Operating Theatres with a fabulous team of staff. Today was an orientation day and despite the fact I've worked at the hospital for eight years now there are so many places I've never been before - it was really interesting. And of course, we spent a decent amount of time just gazing out at the snow, haha!

Of course, every momentous day has it's disasters - I managed to leave my car lights on when I parked at work. I *may* have been so excited by playing in the snow that I didn't notice the car's wee alarm beep, indicating the lights have been left on, as I closed the driver's door ;).  Anyhoo, when I got back (just before school pick up) the car was dead. Panic stations!! No-one at work had jumper leads - not even the maintenance men (what's with that? Surely all self respecting maintenance men have flipping jumper leads at the ready??!!). So I raced over to Ollie's school (next door to where I work) and got him, while Kim rang kindy to get them to hold onto Tess and Izzy (Izzy's school is right next door to the kindy and she meets me there). Luckily another mother at Ollie's school had jumper leads and she came and rescued me - phew!

So eventually we got home and have been all cuddled up with the woodburner doing its thing and keeping us all cosy while the storm rages outside. I ♥ that woodburner!!

Enough from me - I'm going to knit for the rest of my evening. I hope everyone in New Zealand is staying cosy and warm inside. xx


  1. crochet with raymondAugust 16, 2011 at 7:42 AM

    wasn't it so amazing!!! I was at polytech on the 6th floor and it was like being in a snow globe!
    Have a happy tuesday!

  2. Congrats on your first new day...sounds like it was rather, ahem, fun?
    Our OR admin people are lovely, and I'm sure you'll do a fab job too!

    Your snow looks cool! We got a few flakes in Auckland LOL

  3. Thanks Kelly :). I've got a good head start as I'm already on good first name terms with most of the surgeons and anaesthetists, as well as the nursing staff, techs and support staff. Plus I've been doing some of the work while one of the admin staff was away on holiday a few weeks ago. I'm having fun! Except for the car, haha! I hope you're enjoying being back at work? Is it fulltime?

    Yeah, the snow was really cool - pity it's just been hail and rain and wind today! Take care xx

    Alice - it did look exactly like a snow globe! Loved it!! Hope you have a good week - and keep warm!! xx


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